Workplace Posters » New York » NEW YORK Job Safety & Health Protection

In New York, job safety and health protection is regulated by various laws and agencies to ensure the well-being of workers. Here are key points regarding job safety and health protection in New York:

  1. New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL): The NYSDOL oversees job safety and health regulations in New York. It enforces compliance with state and federal laws, conducts inspections, and provides guidance and resources to employers and employees.
  2. New York State Plan: New York operates its own state occupational safety and health plan, approved by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The plan covers both private and public sector employers and is responsible for enforcing safety and health standards.
  3. New York Public Employee Safety and Health (PESH) Bureau: The PESH Bureau specifically focuses on ensuring workplace safety and health in the public sector. It enforces safety and health standards for state and local government agencies, public schools, and other public employers.
  4. Workplace Safety Standards: New York has adopted safety and health standards that employers must comply with to provide a safe working environment. These standards cover areas such as hazard communication, personal protective equipment, workplace violence prevention, electrical safety, and more. Employers are responsible for implementing these standards and providing training to employees.
  5. Inspections and Enforcement: The NYSDOL and PESH Bureau conduct inspections to assess workplaces for compliance with safety and health regulations. Inspections may be routine, complaint-based, or conducted in response to workplace incidents or accidents. Non-compliant employers may be subject to penalties, citations, and corrective actions.
  6. Worker Rights: Workers in New York have the right to a safe and healthy workplace. They can report safety hazards, request inspections, and participate in safety and health training programs without fear of retaliation from their employers. Workers also have the right to be informed about potential workplace hazards and receive appropriate training.
  7. Resources and Training: The NYSDOL provides resources, educational materials, and training programs to help employers and employees understand and meet safety and health requirements. This includes guidance on developing safety programs, conducting risk assessments, and promoting a culture of safety in the workplace.

Employers in New York have a legal obligation to prioritize job safety and health protection. They should familiarize themselves with the applicable safety and health standards, implement necessary measures, provide appropriate training, and address any hazards or violations promptly. Employees are encouraged to raise safety concerns and participate in safety programs to ensure a safe working environment.